Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fun Summer

So last time I wrote it was Ben's it's already July and a lot has been going on. Sam graduated from preschool at the end of May - cutest thing ever as you can see from the pics. He was so proud! I was fine until they played some song about "let them be little" and then I couldn't stop crying. Kel and the kids came up for a week so there are some pics from that - of course we hit KI that week. Some other pics from Parky's farm at Winton Woods - cute park with farm animals and indoor/outdoor play area - boys loved it! Boys started playing YMCA t-ball in June - so fun watching them play on the same team! Not sure how Ben feels about t-ball. First practice he seemed to love it, but after that he has been less enthusiastic =-) Sam is one of the biggest kids on the team which is funny - he loves to talk about how he wins all the races. Celebrated Papa C's (#2) 50th and went to visit our friends the Trioano's in Columbus in June. We went on vacation to the Outer Banks again - had the best time! Beautiful weather, just went back and forth from pool to ocean. Did some putt-putt and go-carts one day which was really fun. Sam said his favorite part was "everything" (though I would say he probably enjoyed boogie boarding the best) and Ben said his favorite part was the pool and being with is cousins. And now this weekend was 4th of July - celebrated by watching fireworks in Lebanon on Friday, had neighborhood parade and party on Saturday and went to Young's Dairy for Aunt Kristen's birthday today! Have included lots of pics (from everything but this past weekend because I haven't uploaded those pics yet).

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