Sunday, July 31, 2011

15 Months

Sammy turned 15 months last Wednesday. Here are a few updates on what he likes and what he's doing:

- Funny faces (doggy face with his tongue out panting and lip pucker)

- Favorite (or should I say most used) words - "Duck" and "Ball"

- Favorite foods - Pancakes for breakfast, String Cheese and Corn

- Likes giving the dogs treats and throwing the ball for them

- Likes going for rides in his wagon or bike

- Seems to love basketball (points and gets excited when we pass someone who has a hoop in their driveway). Loves to dunk balls. He also really likes his plastic golf clubs.

- Likes going swimming and dunking balls in the hoop at the pool

- Likes slides and going to the playland at our YMCA

- Likes taking baths in his big boy tub and newly decorated monkey bathroom

- Likes going to the Little Gym on Saturday mornings for his "birdie" class.

- Has started to dance when he hears music

- Likes to put things away

- I tried to tell him that everytime he spots a cute chick, he should "whistle, give a wink wink and say "hubba bubba". It always makes him laugh everytime I do it.

- Loves books - he especially likes books that have the tabs you pull open. His favorite books are probably "I Love You Through and Through" and Brown Bear".

- Loves waving hi and waving and saying bye to everyone

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