Sunday, July 31, 2011

15 Months

Sammy turned 15 months last Wednesday. Here are a few updates on what he likes and what he's doing:

- Funny faces (doggy face with his tongue out panting and lip pucker)

- Favorite (or should I say most used) words - "Duck" and "Ball"

- Favorite foods - Pancakes for breakfast, String Cheese and Corn

- Likes giving the dogs treats and throwing the ball for them

- Likes going for rides in his wagon or bike

- Seems to love basketball (points and gets excited when we pass someone who has a hoop in their driveway). Loves to dunk balls. He also really likes his plastic golf clubs.

- Likes going swimming and dunking balls in the hoop at the pool

- Likes slides and going to the playland at our YMCA

- Likes taking baths in his big boy tub and newly decorated monkey bathroom

- Likes going to the Little Gym on Saturday mornings for his "birdie" class.

- Has started to dance when he hears music

- Likes to put things away

- I tried to tell him that everytime he spots a cute chick, he should "whistle, give a wink wink and say "hubba bubba". It always makes him laugh everytime I do it.

- Loves books - he especially likes books that have the tabs you pull open. His favorite books are probably "I Love You Through and Through" and Brown Bear".

- Loves waving hi and waving and saying bye to everyone

Sunday, July 17, 2011

First Haircut

Sammy had his first haircut last weekend. We hated to do it because his curly hair was so cute, but it was getting a little long and possibly looking a little girly. He loved everything about the hair cutting place (called Cookie Cutters) - the slide, getting a balloon, watching Mickey...everything that is except sitting in the chair getting his hair cut. Not a fan of that. It looks adorable though and makes him look like a big boy. He's definitely a big time walker now - all over the place! One of our favorite things he's doing right now - Joe and I will sit on opposite sides of a room and I'll say "come give Mom hugs" and he'll waddle over and give me hugs. They Joe will say "come give Dad hugs" and he'll waddle over and give Dad hugs. And then this gets repeated...over and over (he usually doesn't lose interest until he does it at least 6-8 times) - it's the best!

Monday, July 4, 2011

First golf course experience

Sammy played his first few holes of golf last weekend at Greencrest Golf Course (just a few minutes from our house). He loved riding in the cart and tried driving a few times. We'd take him up to the green and give him a golf ball - he'd take it right to the hole and drop it in!