Saturday, August 7, 2010

3 Months!

Our computer has been down, so I'm a little behind! Sammy turned 3 months on July 27th. Here are some pictures taken that week. Some updates:
- He's starting to laugh out loud (which is the absolute best)
- He's still loving to kick - he has a toy where he can sit in his lamb seat and just kick the buttons of the toy which plays music and lights up - he really likes it (that's one of the pictures)
- He holds on to things and grabs for things
- He's definitely getting stronger - starting to try to sit up a little bit and supporting himself more when you hold him
- Sleeping through the night (has been doing that for probably 4 weeks now at least)
- He talks a lot more now - mumling and oohing and ahhing
I went back to work on his 3 month birthday which was really hard. I miss getting to spend all my time with him. But we are so so fortunate because our Mom's are watching him and he couldn't be in better hands. I'm just trying to focus on all the time I do have with him and appreciate every second of it!

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