Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ben is here!

Benjamin Smitty Robertson was born May 8th, 2012 at 7:39am. He was 8lbs and 3oz; 21 inches long. He is just beautiful! Came out with a bunch of dark hair on his head and looks just like Daddy! We are so thankful he is healthy and doing awesome! Sammy is being a great big brother - likes to push him in his swing, help feed him and do the "grasshopper" with him. He even let Ben sit on his lap for the first time today! We love Little Ben Ben (as I call him) so much and our family feels complete now that he's here!

Monday, May 7, 2012

2 Years Old

Sammers is officially 2 years old - turned 2 on April 27th! Can't believe our little bubba is 2 already. Here are some recent pictures and here is what he is up to:
- Trying to talk a lot more and says 2-3 word phrases "Sammy's turn", "Daddy's home", "Bunk and Jax", etc
- Loves all books again - not picky like he was a few months ago
- Starting to identify colors and shapes
- Favorite show - Little Einsteins; prefers it over Mickey!
- Likes to give bear hugs where he'll wrap his arms around your neck
- Favorite foods - definitely still pancakes, bops (grapes), mac n cheese and purple gatorade
- Anytime he bumps any part of his body on something he gets this pitiful look on his face and says "Mama kiss" and he wants me to kiss his boo boo to make it better
- Loves to go outside and swing or mow the grass alongside Daddy (with his bubble mower)
- Will tell you his little brother's name is going to be Ben
- Will tell you he's "2"
- Likes to identify his body parts
- Loves to play chase, but only if Bunk and Jax are participating
- Still loves to shoot hoops and I know I am bias, but he has surprisingly good form!
He is such a sweet little boy! He's going to be an awesome big brother. Ben is on his way (well will be tonight and in our arms tomorrow, May 8th). It's hard to believe we are going to have two little angels!