Sunday, November 27, 2011

19 Months

Sammy turned 19 months old today! He has had a busy Thanksgiving weekend - went to the Festival of Lights at the Zoo on Wednesday night, went to Great Grandma and Grandpa Smith's house on Thursday, got goldfishies for his room on Friday (Dippy and Gipper are their names), went to Nana and Pappaw's for Thanksgiving on Saturday and now it's Sunday and he's been napping for 3+ hours - I wonder why. Here are some current Sammerism's:

- LOVES blankets and paci. He loves to hold the tag from his blanket and rub it against his face.

- Still loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Chuggington

- Has moved from the "Birds" class at Little Gym to the "Beasts" class. He's one of the youngest kids in class, but is doing really well. He can hang from a bar and walk across a balance beam with some help

- His favorite books right now - Corduroy Bear, any Mickey books, Pooh Alphabet, Good Night Gorilla, pop-up books

- Favorite foods - definitely still "cakes" for breakfast. He loves pancakes and we can't get him to try much else. Big Mac n cheese, hot dog and "chick" lover. But don't forget the ketchup!

- Really likes to say "Hi" and "Bye". Was big into giving pucker-kisses up until a couple of weeks ago, but now he seems to prefer to just lean in to get kisses and hugs

- Can identify his hair, eyes, ears, belly (likes to lift up his shirt), nose, feet, etc

- Says a lot of 1-syllable words and turns 2 or 3 syllable words into 1-syllable words: clock, book, home, green, blue, bee, goat, moon, etc.... apple is "app", baby is "ba", etc

- Favorite things to play with: Shooting baskets (loves to say "shoot"), building blocks, cars, choo-choo

- Loves going to the zoo - favorite animals are probably the manatees and monkey's

Sunday, November 6, 2011


As you can see, Sammy ended up being a cow for Halloween. Cutest cow we've ever seen! He walked around and said moooo when we would ask him what a cow says. He had his first actual trick-or-treat experience. Wasn't so sure about it at first, but then had a couple of houses where he held my hand and walked up to the door with his candy basket, rooted around for the best chocolate with Mom's guidance and proudly walked back to his wagon. He's a big fan of Kit Kat's. And yes, that is Joe as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man at Aunt Kel and Uncle Ted's big Halloween Party. He was hilarious! We also celebrated Cousin Keelie's 1st Birthday last weekend. Here's a picture of her starting to dig into her cake - she is adorable!