Saturday, June 25, 2011

First Steps

I finally got this blipity blip website to work and post something! The last 2 weeks it hasn't let me upload anything so sorry for the delay in Sammy updates. So he has taken a few steps here and there, but last weekend he walked across the length of the living room and caught us by surprise. Of course Dad had awesome timing with the video camera and literally had just turned the camera on when he did it! He still prefers the speed crawl route to get to things, but he's getting much closer to being a full-time walker! Here's a quick clip...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hueston Woods

The Smith fam headed to Hueston Woods this weekend and rented a cabin. Had a great time (and great weather)! Sammy had fun going to the pool, hanging out around the campfire, eating a bunch of good food and hanging out with his cousins.