Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy 6 Months!

Sammy turned 6 months old today! This past weekend he went to the Zoo with Kar, Madie and his friend Kellen. They have a Halloween thing at the zoo and kids can dress up so we put Sammy in his monkey halloween costume. His friend Kellen showed up to meet us and he was a monkey too - it was hilarious! Some of his favorite things/things he is doing at 6 months:
- Baby food: Bananas and Sweet Potatoes
- Rolling on his belly and back to his back
- Sitting up while holding on to something
- His doggies
- Going for walks big boy style
- Babbling his "b's"
- Jumping in his jumpers
- Baths
- Books
- Looking in mirrors at himself
- People acting like frogs and ribbiting towards him
- Tickling his face with your hair

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our Little Punkin

Sam has had a busy last couple of weeks. He got to check out the Sauerkraut Festival for the first time which was extremely exciting! He went to movie night at Prasco and made lots of new friends. And he went to his first Pumpkin Farm today!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Get in my belly

Sammy started on baby food this week! He's not a big fan of rice cereal, but is liking actual baby food. He had some bananas, apples and sweet potatoes and liked all of them and likes lunging toward the spoon. He also sat big boy style in his stroller for the first time. Up until now he's been in his car seat which fits in the stroller. It was a big week!